Technology: Changing Technology

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Technology: Changing Technology


In this video Jim Potter, Dick Moore, and Dave Herbold discuss the introduction of new printing technology at work.


Zilvinas Paludnevicius


Drs. John S. and Betty J. Schuchman Deaf Documentary Center Collection




This Item has been made available for educational and research purposes by the Drs. John S. and Betty J. Schuchman Deaf Documentary Center at Gallaudet University. This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You may need to obtain permission for your intended use if your use is otherwise not permitted by the copyright and applicable related rights legislation. For specific information about the copyright and reproduction rights for this Item, please contact the Schuchman Deaf Documentary Center:


American Sign Language

Moving Image Item Type Metadata

Video Description

A video featuring ASL interviews with several subjects. Jim Potter, an older white man seated at home; Dick Moore, an older white man seated in a darkened studio; and Dave Herbold, an older white man seated at home. The video begins with a still black and white image of a floorman laying out a front page in Make Up, with the text Technology and Tools.


Jim Potter: At that time it was all hot metal. There was no cold type. When I left, I’d mostly worked on linotype. The linotype machine. That made the slugs. The mats were up above, and they’d drop down into the carriage in front, and I’d see the backwards text. If it was right, I sent it over to be molded, with molten lead, and it dropped down. It was interesting. Really, I always thought that linotype would never die. I was wrong! I was surprised - it died. Now the linotype is gone. But that time, it was interesting.

Dick Moore: When I went to work for the Washington Post I was working with hot metal. Later on I switched to cold type and after a while we went digital. I worked less at this time but finally another position opened up in another department. I applied, and many other Deaf applied too, to move to the other department. We became graphic designers making ads and drawings, designing everything through a computer, instead of paper and paste up. That's how it evolved to them not needing us anymore.

Dave Herbold: Yes, there were some frustrations, like some places where you worked started to change, you had to get training. There wasn’t a lot who would have to do that training. They had a hard time adjusting to change. So work supported Deaf, they encouraged them, and forced them to change. Supervisors would encourage them. All of the training was always on site and during work hours. That was really nice.




Zilvinas Paludnevicius, “Technology: Changing Technology,” DeafPrinters, accessed September 18, 2024,

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