ITU Membership Card

A scanned image of a membership card. In addition to small union logos, the text reads This will certify that Robert Wilson is a member of Columbia Typographical Union No. 101-12 4626 Wisconsin Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20016-4697 This member is classified as a member in good standing (retired) with all dues being paid and is accorded all rights and privileges provided in the Constitution and Bylaws. 1998 William F. Burgess, president.

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ITU Membership Card


A membership card to the Columbia Typographical Union held by Robert Wilson.


This union card denoted that Robert Wilson, a retired Deaf printer, was a member of the DC chapter of the International Typographical Union, Columbia Union No, 101-12. The card was signed by president William F. Burgess.


International Typographical Union


Janie Golightly Collection




This Item has been made available for educational and research purposes by the Drs. John S. and Betty J. Schuchman Deaf Documentary Center at Gallaudet University. This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You may need to obtain permission for your intended use if your use is otherwise not permitted by the copyright and applicable related rights legislation. For specific information about the copyright and reproduction rights for this Item, please contact the Schuchman Deaf Documentary Center:


International Typographical Union, “ITU Membership Card,” DeafPrinters, accessed October 12, 2024,

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