Definition: BEG OFF
Dublin Core
Definition: BEG OFF
An American Sign Language definition is provided by Steve Moore.
BEG-OFF: To ask to be released from work without penalty.
Gallaudet Video Services
Drs. John S. and Betty J. Schuchman Deaf Documentary Center Collection
This Item has been made available for educational and research purposes by the Drs. John S. and Betty J. Schuchman Deaf Documentary Center at Gallaudet University. This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You may need to obtain permission for your intended use if your use is otherwise not permitted by the copyright and applicable related rights legislation. For specific information about the copyright and reproduction rights for this Item, please contact the Schuchman Deaf Documentary Center:
American Sign Language
Moving Image Item Type Metadata
Video Description
The video begins with a title slide featuring a line drawing of a figure depicting the handshapes B-E-G-O-F-F for the vocabulary term, beg-off. Next in a video recording, Steve Moore, a white older man, defines the term in American Sign Language. He stands in front of a blue screen in a film studio.
Among us employees at the Washington Post, one of our favorite words was “beg-off”.
For example, if you were working and something came up, or you just felt frustrated and wanted to leave, you would tell your boss, “I beg-off.” Which meant, I’m stopping work right now, and I’m leaving of the building. We had a blessing in the form of that word “beg-off”, we never forgot it.
For example, if you were working and something came up, or you just felt frustrated and wanted to leave, you would tell your boss, “I beg-off.” Which meant, I’m stopping work right now, and I’m leaving of the building. We had a blessing in the form of that word “beg-off”, we never forgot it.
Gallaudet Video Services, “Definition: BEG OFF,” DeafPrinters, accessed September 18, 2024,