The Washington Post American Sign Language Flyer

A scanned image of a laminated flyer. The page is divided in four sections, each with a black and white photograph labeled with an American Sign Language handshape font. The first image is an exterior photo of The Washington Post, labeled "Washington Post," next a photograph of a linotype machine labeled "Display Linotype", next, linotype machines and workers, labeled "Post Linotypes" and employees seated in rows of small cubicles, labeled "TTS Keyboarding".
A scanned image of a laminated flyer. The page features four rows of nine photos depicting individuals signing letters and numbers in ASL. Text at the top of the page reads "The American Manual Alphabet."

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The Washington Post American Sign Language Flyer


A double-sided flyer featuring images of The Washington Post, signing Deaf employees, and the American Sign Language alphabet.


This flyer highlighted Deaf printers at work, giving descriptions of their workspaces in both ASL and English. The depiction of the American Sign alphabet and numbers encourages discourse between signing and non-signing employees at The Post.


The Washington Post


Janie Golightly Collection


circa 1978


This Item has been made available for educational and research purposes by the Drs. John S. and Betty J. Schuchman Deaf Documentary Center at Gallaudet University. This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You may need to obtain permission for your intended use if your use is otherwise not permitted by the copyright and applicable related rights legislation. For specific information about the copyright and reproduction rights for this Item, please contact the Schuchman Deaf Documentary Center:




The Washington Post, “The Washington Post American Sign Language Flyer,” DeafPrinters, accessed March 11, 2025,

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