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Glossary - Paste-Up.mp4
PASTE-UP: to cut, fit, and glue the printed headlines, body text, and graphic elements of a newspaper page together into a single page, to be photographed and made into a printing plate.

Glossary - RayComp.mp4
RAYCOMP: a computer system which printers used to lay out ad pages digitally.

Glossary - Slipboard.mp4
SLIPBOARD: the large board used by printers and supervisors to indicate worker's senority and availability.

Glossary - Slug.mp4
SLUG: a line of text cast in lead by a Linotype machine.

Glossary - Slug2.mp4
TO REPLACE A SLUG: to remove a slug, or line of text, from a galley, and replace it with a corrected slug.

Glossary - Typesetter.vtt
TYPESETTER: a printer that keyed text into a machine that punched holes in paper tape. This tape was fed into a linotype machine to cast the text in hot metal for printing.

A scanned image of a newspaper front page. The letters and graphics are pressed into the paper creating a textured surface. The page features articles and images announcing the resignation of President Nixon.
A newspaper flong was made of pressed paper. It was created by pressing paper into the metal page, forming a negative mold. This created a textured surface, upon which metal was poured and creating a cast used in printing.

This video provides an overview of the project origins, including footage from the 2018 reunion held at Gallaudet University.
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