PASTE-UP: to cut, fit, and glue the printed headlines, body text, and graphic elements of a newspaper page together into a single page, to be photographed and made into a printing plate.
TYPESETTER: a printer that keyed text into a machine that punched holes in paper tape. This tape was fed into a linotype machine to cast the text in hot metal for printing.
Both Moore and Sugyiama worked on graphic designs for advertisements in The Washington Post. The open floorplan of the department later changed, adding cubicles.
In the 1990s, employees of the Ad Department, like Dick Moore, used computer programs to edit and layout pages of Ads. This reflected the transition from hot metal and cold type to digital page layout.
Printers at thePost often used the tools of their workspace to create their own newspaper pages. Here, one printer has substituted components from the front page and inserted a fake news story which celebrates the retirement of Dorothy Havens, theā¦